FSU Global Scholar’s immersion into Moroccan culture
By: Karen Duarte - Published: October 23, 2018
Florida State University senior Karen Duarte is motivated to learn and engage with other cultures.
“This summer I interned and volunteered in Rabat, Morocco with the non-profit organization Moroccan Center for Arabic Studies. Being accepted into the prestigious Global Scholars program offered by FSU’s Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement, I was able to immerse myself in a new culture, while also making a positive impact in the global community.
During my internship with Morocco World News, an English online news agency, I was able to spread awareness in my writing by bringing global awareness of Morocco to an English-speaking audience. I covered a wide range of Moroccan topics all the way from social and cultural issues to the latest sport news.
Every week, I was required to submit articles on the latest update of Morocco’s team in the 2018 World Cup, while also speaking on the holy month of Ramadan. On top of that, I covered topics relating to Morocco’s politics and economy, such as the future health insurance plans for 2026, and the Moroccan delegation meetings with Qatar and United Arab Emirates.
While volunteering in the teaching program, I instructed a class of about 25 students between the ages of 13 to 15. I learned how to keep the students engaged with the course work by playing educational games and having them work on creative writing pieces.
I grew and benefited from this teaching program by learning how to interact with teenagers even if there was a slight language barrier. I had one of my students tell me, "Karen, what you are doing is great. I appreciate you coming to Morocco and taking the time to teach us English."
Another student that was very much engaged in the course work expressed his appreciation on my last day by saying, "Karen we learned a lot from you. And I just want to say thank you." There was no better feeling than knowing I helped enhance my students’ learning experience.
Overall, my two month service internship broaden my perspectives. I learned to appreciate the natives, culture, and traditions.”