The Larry L. Mangus Scholarship Recipient


By: Karen Duarte - Published: February 20, 2019

By: Karen Duarte - Published: February 20, 2019

Majoring in exercise science with a minor in chemistry, Nicholas Gavin’s dedication to Phi Eta Sigma has truly been recognized.

Gavin will be attending medical school this summer and is interested in primary care specialties, such as pediatrics and family medicine.

“I will most likely attend medical school in South Carolina, but I have not fully decided yet,” said Gavin. “I am interested in primary care specialties because I want to be as close to my patients as possible and have a direct positive impact on their daily lives. Also, because of my passion for sports and physical fitness, I hope to have a sub-specialty in sports medicine.”

Gavin was inducted to Phi Eta Sigma in spring of 2016. During his sophomore year, he joined the induction leadership council committee, where they planned the induction ceremony for the following year, hosting over 1,000 people.  

“Our committee of ten individuals picked the venue, booked the band, chose the food menu, organized the decorations, media, and programs for the event, along with many other things,” said Gavin. “After participating in this experience, the following year I decided to apply to become the committee chairman. I received the position and have been the induction committee chair for two years, as well as a member of the executive board.”

Each year his committee brainstorm and incorporate new ideas to improve the ceremony. The induction committee chair position has provided Gavin with many opportunities to improve his leadership skills, whether it be public speaking, collaborating with others, creativity, or decision making.

Gavin’s favorite part of being involved with Phi Eta Sigma is working with other like-minded, intelligent members and learning from them to improve his leadership skills.

“Each of my committee members have taught me so much about leadership, themselves, and myself,” he said. “They hold me accountable when necessary, provide ample assistance when they know I need it, and generate substantial conversation and ideas which makes my job easy.”

Aside from joining Phi Eta Sigma, Gavin is involved in many other organizations and clubs on campus. He is a member of the Honors Program, Kappa Omicron Nu National Honor Society for the College of Human Sciences, and the Seminole Torchbearers. Gavin is the Senator in the Student Government Association and President of the Mortar Board National Honor Society. He has also been able to serve as a panel member for Academic Honor Policy Hearings, where he hears cases of academic dishonesty and votes on the verdict. 

When asking Gavin what made him stand out when applying for The Larry L. Mangus Scholarship he responded:

“I definitely think my participation and leadership within our chapter of Phi Eta Sigma gave me an edge for the scholarship. When they read applications in the National Office, they look for people who show commitment to Phi Eta Sigma” he said. “While diversity and involvement in other areas are very important to create a ‘complete applicant’, the most weighted portion of the application is your involvement in Phi Eta Sigma.”

Gavin also provided helpful tips for those looking into applying to this year’s scholarships:

“If you are a general member or leadership council member, consider getting more involved with the chapter. Apply for leadership positions, get to know our advisors, and talk to the executive board and previous scholarship recipients” said Gavin. “Other tips include making yourself unique to stand out. Tell them about an interesting skill, hobby or interest. Show them your development as a student and leader. Include your failures and successes that molded you. This is an opportunity to stand out in a selfless, unique way.”

If anyone wants further help with scholarship applications, feel free to reach out to Nicholas Gavin at his email